
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Can you hear me?

      Yesterday Ian had new tubes placed in his ears and also they did a sedated hearing screen. Ian has had many hearing screens before, but he was always awake and fighting the process or he had fluid in his ears. So they were always inconclusive. So he was supposed to start the procedure at 12:30 yesterday but I slipped up and gave him some cereal earlier in the morning so it had to pushed for later. It was 4:30ish when it finally started. We were at Childrens AAALLLLL day. So when it was finally all done Dr Richter came out and told us the waves on the hearing screen showed that he could be moderately hard of hearing. What sounds like a normal talking voice to us he hears it as a whisper. So they did mold of his ears to make hearing aides and we will go back in a month and see what we do next. Its not for sure that he will have hearing aides but it sounds like its very likely. Part of me is sad that he has one more problem on top of everything else, but theres a very small part of me that is really hoping that maybe this is the key to his speech problems. I would really love him to be able to communicate with us better. I dont know to be sad or excited...Im definitely hopeful! Next week is Ians semi annual evaluation at school. I never enjoy these. I always get really sad looking at the facts and listening to Ians problem areas. I will post again after that.