
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Its been quite a while since my last post. Mostly because its been pretty calm around here. We had a nice break where we were not at ACH every month for some random appointment. Ian continues to thrive at his own rate. He is walking great and almost running! He can say quite a few words. His favorite is "no" of course and "another". When he plays with his cars he says "ready, set, go!". This morning at the audiologist during a hearing screen he said "I heard that!" Every time he says something or runs down a hallway towards me I am filled with thankfulness.
     So today was just a routine appointment at the audiologist. We are STILL trying to get a decent hearing screening done on him. He WILL NOT let us put headphones on him! You would think it was pure torture. We will keep trying I suppose...During the routine exam Dr Jessica noticed his tubes have fallen out. (Dr Jessica is possibly my most favorite person at ACH btw). So heres hoping for no fluid in those ears.
    Ian moved classes on Aug 19th, he is now on the "big kid hall". He transitioned pretty well. I think he likes his classroom. His therapist have commented on how well he is doing, which is so nice to hear! 
      Ian goes for his annual checkup in a few weeks to see Dr O'Neill. I have been thinking about it and I think I am going to ask him to refer Ian for another genetics test . I have this gut feeling that it needs to be looked at again. When they did Ians genetic test 2 years ago they just drew his blood and looked at his DNA. I have talked to several people and I have been reading online and for a complete genetics test to be done Scott and I's blood should be taken as well. If anyone has experience with this let me know please! So thats just a very small summary of whats been going on. Thanks for reading!