
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

MRI and hearing screen

     Well its been an exciting time around here lately. I saw with my own two eyes Ian walk at school. Not just a few steps but like 6 feet! He barely picks up his feet and he looks very stiff but I think its because he is sooo scared of falling. In time he will get over that fear and I will get to put that walker up! He doesn't walk at home on his own. He much rather use his walker still, and I let him because its stressful for him and I know they push him pretty hard in therapy everyday. I want home to be his safe haven. He has been saying hi and bye a lot more too! These may seem like little things to outsiders, but to me its a huge victory!

      Ians third MRI is this coming Monday. I am dreading it in a MAJOR way. He has to be asleep for the MRI so they gas him, and typically I hold him until he is knocked out. Its a terrible feeling to feel his body go from wailing and screaming and crying to limp and and completely knocked out in a matter of seconds....its creepy and very very sad. I usually hand him over quickly and walk out as fast as I can without looking back because its so emotional. When he wakes up he is usually HIGHLY upset but Im feeling better at that point, and then its up hill from there. So please pray this Monday that Ians MRI shows no changes or even improvements with his Chiari 1 would be great!!!! Also pray for my nerves as I will be alone.

   Ian also is going to have his hearing tested in the near future. He hates anything touching his head or ears and just will not cooperate during a hearing screening. So he is going to be sedated and we are going to try it that way. They will also go ahead and put new tubes in his ears while he is under. Hopefully they give him Versed like they did last time :o)

      Well thats everything in a nutshell for now. I will most definitely post the MRI results on here and facebook as soon as I find out. I have family all over the place and this is just the easiest way to keep everyone updated. Thank you in advance for the prayers for Monday.



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