
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

my little guy

Ive decided to make entries a little more often at least until I feel like Im caught up. Now Im not promising anything. I may change my mind tomorrow and decide I will just do it whenever...I am a woman after all.
A couple facts about Ian He is a little guy. Ian weights 23 lbs and is about the size of a 18 month old. In fact if you didn't know Ian at all in passing you would just think he is a average 1 year old. I think it has to do with low muscle tone but really I have no idea. But since I am carrying him constantly Im ok with it.

Next week he is going to a new class with kids his age. Right now he is in a class with 1 year olds. The teachers seem to think this will do him good, and motivate him to do more. Im hoping they are right. Im a little worried he is going to get trampled on. I peeked into the new class room this morning and all the kids seemed huge compared to him. Im also kinda sad that he has to readjust to a new class room again. That cant be easy for him.

On a super duper happy note, Ian said a couple words last week. While putting his shoes on he hit me and then told himself "no no" and whenever I walk into a room he says "heeeeey", he has said "uh oh" and "whoa whoa" he does this alot now. He has 2 appointments this month. One with urology tomorrow. Im assuming this is just a follow up on the urodynamics test he did a couple weeks ago. I got the results of that in the mail the other day and everything came back normal. Praise God! This means no catheters!! He has a appointment with Neurosurgery on the 21st. I know this may sound crazy but Im hoping they talk about surgery. You see in my mind if he is going to have to have the surgery regardless, I rather him have it now while he is young enough that he wont remember it or really know whats happening. I have also read that irreversible damage can be done to nerves if surgery isnt done in a timely manner. Of course Im clinging to some hope that maybe if we fix the tethered cord he will be able to walk. Probably the hardest thing about this journey is its completely out of my hands. I am powerless. All I can really do is pray...and ask you to pray

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